Facing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) with Supplements and Tips
Fall is here! That means colorful leaves falling from trees, people wearing more layers, and everyone's social media feeds are filled with images of pumpkins and apples.
As the colder weather approaches, do you have techniques to deal with the darker days, colder nights, and reduced sunlight?
Seasonal Affective Disorder is a psychological condition that appears during this time of year. Our minds and bodies can have trouble coping with less sunlight amid the transitions of seasonal changes. Let’s examine the impact of Seasonal Affective Disorder, and offer ways to thrive with supplementation and wellness tips.
There are a few supplements that benefit our body when dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder. To get an energy boost during the time of year where colder months can give you feelings of fatigue, the nutraMetrix Isotonix Turn Up is a solid picker-upper. Available through our website: https://www.urbanbodyfix.com/Products1.html
To get a brain boost, reduce stress levels with B complex. Available through our website: https://www.urbanbodyfix.com/products1.html
Some tips on how to deal mentally with seasonal changes into colder weather:
Writing in a journal to express your thoughts can provide a therapeutic outlet
Making “‘Me-Time”’ a requirement in your daily life ensures that you can relax and recharge your mind, body, and soul.
Your “‘Me-Time”’ can be quality time for any favorite activity reading your favorite books, watching your favorite shows/films, or finding and re-connecting with friends in your social networks.
Colder weather is often viewed with dread, yet with these supplements, tips, and a positive mindset the next months ahead can be full of the joys of living in a Winter Wonderland.