The Benefits of Vitamin B12

In your daily lineup of vitamins, consider adding vitamin B12 into the mix. Vitamin B12 is especially beneficial for people who do not consume a lot of animal products, as B12 is not found in plants.

Vitamin B12 Helps to Make DNA

B12 is useful for the synthesis of DNA and helps to ensure the stability of chromosomes. Low levels of B12 can result in an inadequate synthesis of DNA, which is more likely to cause symptoms of Alzheimer's, dementia and cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin B12 Can Help Promote a Healthy Pregnancy

Studies have shown that a growing fetus requires sufficient levels of B12 from the mother to ensure proper brain development. Women that have B12 levels lower than 150mg/dl are at a higher risk to give birth to a child with birth defects than women with B12 levels above 400mg/dl.

Vitamin B12 Could Boost Mood and Memory

B12 can aid in healthy brain cognition. Methyl-B12 helps the management of the brain's basic psychological functions including, sleep, memory management, regulation of mood and judgement as well as personality.

Vitamin B12 is Essential For Oral Health

A person experiencing a B12 deficiency can start to notice little bumps on their tongue or gums. Your tongue may also be red and swollen. This can be a painful realization that your B12 levels are insufficient for your body.

Vitamin B12 Helps Maintain a Healthy Level of Red Blood Cells

The metabolism of cells in the body rely on B12 to properly function. Millions of red blood cells are produced every minute. They cannot multiply properly without B12. Maintaining the proper amount of red blood cells is crucial for providing oxygen to your body's organs.

We would love to see your daily vitamin lineup. Direct message us on Instagram @UrbanBodyFix if you have any questions about vitamin intake, or what you should be taking. Our founder Larry can help guide you in the right direction!


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