Green With Envy Juice: Our Favorite Green Juice Recipe
What you’ll need:
1 Bunch of Kale
½ cucumber chopped
4 celery stalks
1 cup chopped pineapple
½ lemon squeezed
1 tablespoon of ginger
Use juicer to combine ingredients
The Benefits
This green juice is chock full of antioxidants and all the important vitamins and minerals your body needs. Kale contains vitamin A, K, B6, as well as calcium and potassium. Cucumber has lots of antioxidants and promotes hydration. The benefits of ginger don’t seem to end, but we get extra excited about gingerol, a natural oil in ginger, which can fight sickness while providing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Celery comes in to add more vitamin A, K, and C and minerals like folate. In this recipe pineapple sweetens up this juice and offers disease fighting antioxidants and immunity boosting enzymes. Lemons are excellent sources of vitamin C and aid in the digestion process. Get all your greens in this juice!
Don’t make us green with envy and tag us in your green juices @UrbanBodyFix