How Your Diet & Lifestyle Can Affect Your Body’s Immune Response

Our immune system is our little shield to outside invaders that could cause disease. It is our immune system’s job to fight off unwanted germs and illnesses. When we were kids we were always told to wash our hands and to not pick our nose, but this was the extent to what we were told. It turns out that even the foods we eat and the lifestyle we lead, can have an affect on how well our immune system functions.


Balance is key to a sustainable every-day diet. It is important to pay attention to labels and serving sizes when cooking or baking. Oftentimes, food companies can sneak in ingredients that are less than good for you. Added sugars and oils are very common when it comes to your basic grocery store packaged foods. A diet rich in sugar can inhibit immunity. Sugar promotes the breeding of bacteria which can reduce your immune system’s response to certain diseases. Another sneaky ingredient that is commonly seen in a lot of our foods is oil. Corn, sunflower, soybean and cottonseed oil were once promoted as a “healthier” alternative to butter but have been seen to cause an opposite effect. These oils are rich in omega-6 fatty acids and can have a negative effect on your arteries. They promote inflammation that once again inhibits your body’s immune response.


Leading a relaxed, stress-free life is a lot harder than it sounds. We all have busy lives and spread ourselves too thin on a day-to-day basis. This ‘run yourself ragged’ lifestyle isn’t sustainable in the long-run and can have negative effects on your overall health, especially your immunity. Researchers have found that when a person is more stressed out their immune response is suppressed. Stress and anxiety don’t just affect the mind but the body as well. If your body is being over-exhausted and stressed by exertion your immune response to unwanted germs and pathogens can be less effective. It is important to move your body in a way that is comfortable for you and sustainable for the long-term.

In order for your body to work to its fullest potential, it's important to take into account all that it does for us. We need to return the favor and ensure we are providing our body with the best tools and supplies to work as a well-oiled machine.


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