(f)It(ness) Takes a Village
In the words of Peloton Instructor Chase Tucker, “we are a wolf pack.” Fitness is so often labeled as an individual journey, but Urban Body Fix is taking down this common misconception. It is not news to anyone that strength comes in numbers, so why not find yours!
Sadly, Covid-19 has taken out many of the opportunities to attend gyms and group workout sessions, but you can still build your fitness tribe. How good does it feel to high five a fellow fitness junkie after a set of burpees or a hard bike ride? It’s so important to set one’s own goals to create a meaningful fitness and health journey, but it’s just as important to have people in your corner to get you past the finish line. Working out in groups has proven to be beneficial for one’s physical and mental wellbeing. Start your journey towards a healthier you while reaping the benefits of a support system.
This year we saw the group workouts become group zooms and group attendance turn to livestream participants. The power of the tribe was recognized even through the screens of phones and computers, and everyone’s virtual supporters had just as much of an effect on mentality if not more.
If you’d like to find your own tribe here are some UBF approved tips!
Find people with a similar schedule. (Moms’ Groups, Office Co-Workers, Family Members)
Start with one accountability partner. Text them whenever you finish a workout, achieve a goal, or need extra encouragement to get off the couch.
Instagram Livestreams! Fitness gurus and influencers have followings, become a part of one.
Zoom Workouts, search trainers that use the Zoom platform as a sort of virtual gym meeting place. It can be so motivating to see others working just as hard as you are, even if through a screen!
Become part of the UBF tribe and follow us on Instagram @UrbanBodyFix