Be Your Very Zest: The Benefits of Citrus Fruits
As the sun starts to stay a little longer each day, I know I am not alone in my dreams of warm weather and sunshine filled days. While all there is to do now is practice patience until the days where layering isn’t needed to walk around the block approach, you can pack in little bits of sunshine into you days via citrus fruits. Urban Body Fix is letting you in on all the benefits of citrus fruit.
Heart Health
Keeping your health healthy is so important in all aspects of life, so it’s only fitting that our first tip revolve around keeping your heart healthy. Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C which reduce the risk of heart disease. Lemons in particular have a fiber compound that are significant in lowering the risk of heart disease as well.
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Vitamin C Powerhouses
It would be wrong to only mention Vitamin C’s ability to lower the risk of heart disease. In addition to its disease fighting superpowers, Vitamin C provides an excellent boost for your immune system. It’s the ultimate homeopathic remedy for fighting off the cold and flu. Citrus fruits can also help shorten and combat flus and colds if you’ve already contracted one.
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Potassium Packed
Citrus fruits are great sources of potassium which help with fluid regulation, mineral balance, and muscle contraction. Move over bananas, cause citrus fruits are here to help with soreness too! Potassium is also known to reduce blood pressure and water retention. The benefits don’t seem to end.
Hydration Station
Similar to cucumbers and tomatoes, citrus fruits have high water contents. This means that by eating citrus fruits you’re helping your body to hydrate properly. Quench your thirst with a slice of orange or grapefruit which have particularly high water contents. Hydration is key to helping your body’s system function properly and to stay energized.
Glowing Skin
Who isn’t a fan of glowing skin? Vitamin C is linked to playing an important role in collagen production. Collagen is helpful for staving off wrinkles and dry skins. A study has shown that people who included more Vitamin C rich foods in their lives displayed younger, more rejuvenated skin.
Let us know how you achieve your very zest @UrbanBodyFix