Mornings: Set The Mood For The Rest of The Day
The importance of a morning routine, and tips to help feel your best
Whether you wake up on your own or by the dreaded alarm clock,. How you start the day is important for the hours that follow. Creating a morning routine has been proven to lower stress levels. You can implement little changes into your everyday routine to make a positive impact on your mood and productivity.
Drink Water First
Before you put anything else in your body, focus on hydration. You have just been dormant for 8+ hours with no water intake. Water is essential for your organs to function optimally. When you wake up, you are already slightly dehydrate, Rather than dehydrating yourself more with coffee, try a cup of water to wake you up. For extra hydration and nourishment try drinks such as coconut water and aloe water.
Since you haved just been lying downon a comfy pad for an extended period of time, you might experience some soreness. Try a nice two- minute stretch when you first wake up. While your mind is waking up, why not give your body a head start too?
Have a Satisfying Breakfast
The most important meal of the day, breakfast. What's worse than a non-nutritious breakfast? One that doesn’t even satisfy your tastebuds. When balancing a healthy lifestyle, you want to ensure that you aren’t denying yourself of any foods you are craving. Create a balance between nutritious and tasty foods. Leave your taste buds satisfied to help limit binge eating later in the day.
Flash a Smile
One way to lead to a positive morning is with through a positive mindset. Check yourself out in the mirror and remind yourself of your best qualities. No one in the world is like you;, that’s something to celebrate. Focus onAlways remind yourself of your most beautiful qualities, and any negative thoughts will fade away.
A good morning routine will give you the power to take charge of the rest of your day. Be the change you want to see. People around you will pick up on that vibrant energy, and it will make them feel good. Change yourself, change the world!